Joel and I walked with Jonah to some neighbors' houses last night, and he really had a fun time. At one house, an elderly man answered the door and greeted us, and as he called for his wife to come get a look at Jonah, our little lion walked right in the door and stood in their front entry hall to wait for her. It was funny how comfortable he was! I guess he was just making himself right at home. When we turned to leave, we reminded him, "Say 'thank you,' Jonah" and he turned to look at them and enthusiastically said, "thank you Jonah!" It was a very hilarious moment for all of us.Now, time for some business. I've had a lot of things on my mind lately that have made me think, "I need to blog about that." Some posts I've already started writing in my head. But this is what happens....everything comes at once and I get overwhelmed because I don't know where to start, and then somehow I end up not blogging for ridiculously long periods of time. I don't want to go a long time without writing something, so I'm asking for your help in knowing where to start. Below are some possible topics I'd like to write about:
- Thoughts on a book I'm currently reading called Beyond the Masquerade, Unveiling the Authentic You
- My excitement over something I found out about the next season of 24. (All you fans/fellow obsessed ones, I am DYING over the new trailer for the 7th season. Just dying. Care to know why??)
- Why my 2007 could also be called "the year of surrender"
- A "review" of the movie High School Musical
- How I would encourage The World to help a friend through miscarriage, if The World wanted to know
- In anticipation of Oprah's upcoming most-popular-show, I'd like to share my very own list of favorite things
- Thoughts on politics and the upcoming election - Can a conservative Christian who loves Jesus vote for a moderate/more liberal candidate? (Sure to be full of surprises. IF I decide to write it. I could very well chicken out of this controversial topic.)
- Ideas for celebrating Jesus with your little ones at Christmastime. Hopefully creative.
- Basic grammar/spelling help geared towards assisting The World in more effective usage of the English language. =)
- Possible new once-weekly scheduled post, with installments focusing on the topic of "What I Saw in the Bible Today"
Just know that I am on the verge of falling out of blogging if I don't get some direction here, so I will hold you personally responsible for my disappearance if I don't hear from you. =) Oh, and I'll only count the votes that appear via comments on my blog. Because I'm strict like that.
Happy November!
#1: Celebrating Jesus with your little one at Christmastime
#2: "What I saw in the Bible today"
#3: Oprah's show/Hannah's favorite things
#4: The review of High School Musical (never seen it but the kids at school are crazy about it--I'm curious)
1. What I saw in the bible today
2. How to help a friend through miscarriage
3. The year of surrender
4. Beyond the Masquerade - or in general a book review as you finish whatever you are reading.
5. Hannah's fav things
Don't give up...I have actually been thinking about blogging a bit and you are my encouragement but I am just not sure I have time to add another thing to my schedule.
Okay. You have forced me to create a google account. I just have to give my opinion on future topics. Plus I can not be held partially responsible for you no longer blogging. How sad would that be.
1) Jesus at Christmas
2) What I saw in the Bible
3) Hannah's favorite things
4) Election thoughts
5) Year of surrender
Personally I'm also very interested to hear about 24, so if you don't blog that one, you'll have to fill me in:-)
I'm going to have to put these in random order if that's okay because everything you write is super important!
What I saw in the Bible today.
Hannah's favorite things (might have to borrow that one- brilliant!).
How to help a friend through tough times such as miscarriage.
Anything about the show 24!
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